- Link Admin
- Account
What is Link Admin?
In a nutshell, Link Admin is a tool to administrate your link building campaigns. You can add as many websites into Link Admin as you like. Per website, you can add links of all types and all other related information for links can be stored as well. One way links, exchanges and even the spammy multiple way links can be submitted.
Yes, we are aware of the fact that you are not allowed to buy or sell links, nevertheless we have build this into our application as well (please don't tell anyone). As long as you don't get caught, Link Admin can be of real high value.
Your fully customizable dashboard will show you exactly what you want it to: total links, total links per category, total links build in a certain period, amount of links per PR, etc. All of this comes ncluding charts so that you can easily follow progress over a longer period of time. All facts and figures can be exported to Excel.
Link Admin helps you to remember when and where you have placed links, or when and where you links were placed. For instance, you can easily enable a filter that tells you what the was Page Rank (PR) like when the link went live opposed to the current detectable PR. Did you exchange a PR6 link and that link devalued? Now you'll know about it!
Terms of use
New users can try Link Admin for free for the length of one week after signing-up. After the expire date there are two different ways that users can choose from, to continue using their Link Admin account:
- Use it for free in exchange for a reciprocal link.
- Pay a fixed amount of $50 per year.
Both of these choices will be presented to new users after signing-up.